My Paintings 

On this page you will see the paintings I have done over the past year or two. I mainly paint animals and flowers, but occasionally I would paint other subjects - such as eyes. The paints I use include: acrylic, watercolor, ink and poster paint.

Some of these paintings were done for my IGCSE coursework. Others are don in my own time where I paint for fun at my home while listening to music.

yiruma - time forgets....mp3

The painting on the right was done with poster paint and water colour.  It is a very simple, monochromatic picture, depicting the feelings of sadness. I really like painting and drawing eyes, and I find that they usually reflect a person's feelings. The name of this painting is "let your feelings go".

The painting on the left is another artwork I did on eyes.  I tried to get the proportions right but imagining a third eye in the middle, and I think that went quite well. The painting is called "this is me".

I painted this rose with acrylic paint. The title of the painting is "hoping" because the colours bring feelings of warmth and hope. 

The painting above is called "birds of Nature". I painted the birds with acrylic on top of collaged paper.  

 My Gallery

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