Welcome to my art page!

The image above is my final piece for my "animal cruelty" IGCSE coursework. You will be able to see a bullet shot  on the stag's chest, which is used to convey animal cruelty. The title of the painting is "Nature takes over".

About Me

I am an IGCSE student and I do traditional art. I work in many different medias. I love art and I will be uploading many of my works onto here. You can also go to my other art website on deviant art - http://lovelylittlesunshine.deviantart.com/

yiruma - love hurts.mp3

The image on the right is called "cherry blossoms". This painting reminds me of the beautiful blossoms in China. I gave this away to my aunt's friend as a birthday present. 

The drawing above was done with coloured pencil. This took around 6-8 hours to do, and it is one of my favourite drawings. I love owls, and this white one reminds me of Hedwig from Harry Potter! 

The painting above was done with poster paint. I really liked the outcome of this picture because the shadows around the eye seems to show it's hollowness and the blending around the beak was done quite successfully.  

 My Gallery

 My IGCSE Course Work

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Bangkok, Thailand.

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